
A Day in the Life of a Digital Editorial Assistant

Jordan Green
  • Digital Editorial Assistant
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So I’m up next for our ‘A Day in the Life’ series! Find out more about my role as a Digital Editorial Assistant, here at gm-design…

Tell us about your typical working day as a Digital Editorial Assistant

I don’t think you could describe any day at gm-design as a ‘typical’ working day… there seems to be a surprise around every corner, which is a good thing! Although my day tends to start the same way… by crawling out of bed at 6am to have my first coffee, before my hour-long bus journey into work.

As I’m normally one of the first into the office, I take the time to get another coffee and prepare for the day before everyone else arrives. I’ll then ask the team what the plan of action is, take any briefings and put together the day’s to-do list.

I generally tend to find myself working mainly in CQ5 (Adobe’s Content Management System), creating webpages, implementing and proofing content across 30+ international sites. If I’m not handling content management, I’ll probably be doing admin related tasks, such as setting-up and preparing spreadsheets for translation requests, or supporting the wider team with their workload.

What are your favourite and least favourite things about working as a Digital Editorial Assistant?

I suppose I have the same answer for both questions… I like tasks which are repetitive, as I enjoy having a routine and confidently knowing exactly how to do things. However, the downside is that this can sometimes be a little tiresome over long periods of time. To overcome this, I tend to mix-up the order of my tasks to keep things fresh (…and the team here are always a great source of entertainment!).

When did you decide you wanted to go into the digital industry… has it always been an interest?

I guess I’ve always wanted to work in this industry, as I’m a pretty technical-minded person and love being around anything digital… so it’s a bit of a no-brainer from my point of view! I’ve always had a great interest in technology, since I’ve grown up and studied with it – it’s now second nature to me. I never imagined being in the kind of role that I am at gm-design, but now that I’m here, I really enjoy it and there’s never a dull moment in the office.

Which steps did you take to get where you are?

When I started studying at college, my subject choice was quite different to what I’m doing now… Games Development. This played to my love of gaming and technology, but I just didn’t enjoy it like I thought I would. However, it did help me to realise that I definitely wanted to stay in the digital industry, which is when I managed to get an internship here at gm, where I then grew into the role I’m in now.

What 3 words would you use to describe the gm. team?

Dedicated, caring and inspiring.

What’s your best tip for keeping a cool head?

Communication is key for me, which might sound strange, coming from quite possibly the quietest person in the world… but it works! If I feel overwhelmed, just having a little chat or jumping into a conversation with someone can calm me down… it also provides a window to ask for help if needed and puts things into perspective.

What advice would you give to anyone who would like to work in a similar role?

Give everything time, be patient and don’t give up! They say good things come to those who wait, and it’s seriously true. I’ve only been in this industry for two and a half years, and already I feel like I’ve grown and changed massively as a person.

Any parting words?

Always believe in yourself, nothing’s impossible.

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