
Top 10 Productivity Apps

Jordan Green
  • Digital Editorial Assistant
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We can all struggle with productivity sometimes, in any part of our daily lives, whether it’s at work, within education or even just around the home; that’s why I thought I’d introduce you to 10 of my favourite helpful apps:


1. Things

A to-do list macOS app that can be split into different sections, which is perfect for segmenting tasks into various aspects of your life. For example, you could have a task list for ‘work’ vs. ‘home’ etc. Better yet, within these segments, you can split the tasks into further lists.

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2. Grammarly

A cloud-based English-language app that helps with spelling, writing and proofing in general. I use this all the time within my daily online work duties; it’ll point out any spelling or grammar mistakes whilst offering a suitable replacement. The app will also flag if a sentence needs to be restructured, or if a word in a different language has been used (e.g. color instead of colour for UK English). You can also ask the app to generate a report which gives you information on readability, your vocabulary and also how long your piece of text is going to take to read.

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3. Hours

A macOS and iPhone app you can use to easily track your time over different tasks. Time recording can feel like more of a time thief sometimes, but this app makes it so much easier! You can save specific tasks into the app (e.g. sending out client emails, copywriting etc.) so that each time you start that task again you can simply click or tap the task to start/stop the timer. It can also sync with your calendar.

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4. Buffer

This is a simple app for web and mobile use to schedule your Social Media posts across multiple accounts (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest). It does have a free version where you can manage up to 3 accounts, but there are also paid options that allow you to manage many more.

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5. Slack

This is an extremely useful workflow tool, with almost endless integrations! Perfect for productivity, as information sharing and team communications are quick, seamless and instant. You can create channels or threads for specific topics and people within your team can join or leave as needed. Files can also be shared instantly, plus you can add a number of other services and apps into the tool (e.g. Wunderlist) for further workflow efficiency.

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6. DropTask

This is a visual task management tool, which uses colourful mind maps to enable the user to easily see what people are working on and when. More specific details on a subject or task can be entered within a particular ‘map’, alongside any comments or files; the app also comes with a built-in calendar to track how days are being filled. DropTask also integrates with other apps such as Evernote, Gmail, Dropbox etc.

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7. Wunderlist

An easy to use list-based ‘to-do’ app, ideal for collaborating with different people on different tasks. Users can invite people to separate to-do lists, which keeps everything organised and relevant. Within each task you can enter subtasks if needed and also any notes/comments people may have. You can also set a due date for a particular task to be completed by, as well as set reminders to be sent out to everyone within the task (so there’ll be no excuses for not getting your work done on time!).

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8. Calmly Writer

Offering ‘distraction-free writing’, this is a desktop-based app designed to help you focus on writing. Calmly Writer comes with many options such as ‘paragraph focus’, which will only show the paragraph of text currently being edited or ‘dark mode’, which is a bit easier on the eyes with a black background and white text. Your writing is automatically backed-up and saved with every change so that distraction can be forgotten about too!

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9. Evernote

This multi-device app makes it incredibly easy to take and save notes that can easily be shared with others. You can add many different files to your notes too, e.g. text documents, audio files, handwritten notes etc. Having all your notes in one place, across all your devices, makes it a lot easier to stay organised, plus it integrates nicely into your project management tools too!

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10. Forest

In a time of information overload and distraction (paired with a FOMO attitude), Forest is a very interesting concept. The app aims to help you to stay focused on the task at hand – by keeping you off your phone (in a very clever way considering it is an app!).  Plus it encourages users to help the planet through its partnership with You should definitely check this one out!

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I now use a few of these on a daily basis but my favourite has to be Grammarly, it’s unbelievably helpful and it’s always just sitting in the background helping you out. Have you got a favourite from our list or maybe one to suggest? Tweet us @gmdesignltd and let us know!

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